a.5 CEOS Secretariat
A permanent Secretariat, chaired by the current CEOS host organisation, provides most of the coordination between plenary sessions and is maintained by:
— the European Space Agency (ESA) jointly with the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT);
— the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) jointly with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States;
— the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) jointly with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
The Secretariat is chaired by the current CEOS host organisation in support of the CEOS Plenary. As part of the ongoing contribution to CEOS Secretariat activities, ESA is responsible for the CEOS Handbook, NASA for the CEOS Annual Report and Web site content, and MEXT/JAXA for the CEOS Newsletter, Brochure and maintenance of the Web site.
ESA currently funds the engagement of a fulltime post to increase the capacity of the CEOS Secretriat, particularly with regards to the relationship with GEO (Group for Earth Observations). This post, the CEOS Executive Officer, is funded by ESA through to the end of 2009 (see below).
a.6 CEOS Working Groups
Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV): The objectives of the WGCV are to enhance coordination and complementarity, to promote international cooperation, and to focus activities in the calibration and validation of Earth observations for the benefit of CEOS members and the international user community. WGCV addresses sensor-specific calibration/validation and geophysical parameter/ derived products validation. WGCV meets approximately every nine months. The subgroups of WGCV are as follows:
— The Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors Subgroup;
— The Microwave Sensors Subgroup;
— The SAR Subgroup;
— The Terrain Mapping Subgroup;
— The Land Product Validation Subgroup;
— The Atmospheric Chemistry Subgroup.
Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS): The objective of WGISS is to facilitate data and information management and services for users and data providers in dealing with global, regional, and local issues. In particular, it addresses the capture, description, processing, access, retrieval, utilisation, maintenance and exchange of spaceborne Earth observation data and supporting ancillary and auxiliary data and information, enabling improved interoperability and interconnectivity of information systems and services. WGISS meets approximately every six months. |