CEOS Database
The information presented in the CEOS Handbook is a much-condensed summary of the information provided in the CEOS Missions, Instruments and Measurements (MIM) Database. This database contains extensive information on the capabilities of both satellite and in situ observing system capabilities, and relates them in some detail to the requirements of key user programmes. The database is maintained by ESA as a contribution to CEOS.
The database was established to support planning of future observing systems, with the primary aim of improving the extent to which space system capabilities meet user requirements for observations. Although many possible uses have been identified for the database, its structure and level of detail are designed primarily to assist in the assessment of conformance between users’ requirements for observations and the potential capability of the space segments of satellite systems.
To this end, the following information is included in the database: instrument and mission descriptions sufficiently detailed to support the evaluation of their performances; and programmatic information to permit assessment of service continuity aspects.
CEOS updates MIM annually and continues to develop its online capabilities. The database is accessible online at: